As 2024 awaits, the anti-New Year resolutions people will come up with their criticisms of the process while the over enthusiastic will make promises to themselves that will barely last a week. The way I look at it, to achieve your goals you will have to make a change to your current trajectory. The best time to do that is always NOW, and it just happens the current now is also January and the New Year.

Most people are doomed to failure on day 1 of their health & fitness efforts as they come up with a plan that is just too much, too soon and is heavily based on willpower and motivation. There is nothing inherently wrong with this approach but it is overlooking the fact you are still pretty much the same person as you were last month. You may be motivated and feel like a new person but in reality you are not overly different. This is not a bad thing, it doesn’t mean you cannot get to your end goals, it just means you probably need to take a different approach.

The first step for me is actually taking time out to think about what kind of person you want to become rather than goals to achieve. Look at these questions and see what answers come up – 

Who do you want to be around exercise? 

Who do you want to be around food, nutrition and eating?

Who do you want to be around healthy living? 

For each question, consider what actions you would naturally do, how you would feel about doing these, how you would interact with other people, what would you stop doing and how would you feel about not doing it? Finally, what capabilities / results would you have if you acted in these ways naturally?

This should direct you to the person you want to be and allow us to work out what other people who are like that did to think, act and feel in this manner. They did not get there by accident nor is it genetically based. They are the result of a series of repetitions and experiences laid upon each other. If you were to repeat these in roughly the right order for long enough you would also become this way.

The main reason most people struggle with becoming the person they want is not that change is impossible, it is simply they do not believe they can fundamentally change who they are and therefore do not ever try to go after it. Even if you do believe change could happen, most don’t want to do it as it sounds scary, hard work or a ‘betrayal of themselves’. It is on these points that you should start your 2024 thoughts. You should take time to reflect on who would you want to be, but then also allow yourself to think about the process of change. 

What you can achieve in a year is beyond spectacular, do not get caught up by limited thinking that you cannot change nor get bogged down by the apparent steps you need to do to make it happen. There is a way this can be done that is enjoyable, invigorating and long lasting. It starts with a vision, a feeling, a small fire lit from within. This will grow and grow, forming a bigger why, a deeper reason. The further practical steps can be found after that, they can be made more fun than you ever imagined and more effective than you believed possible.

What Does This Mean For You?

I’d suggest before you start the year that you just take some time to consider who you are trying to become. That is the most important first step, with a better vision, you can take a better approach. You may then just find that 2024 is the year for you!


This was the 52nd newsletter of the year, I am happy I averaged once per week after being inconsistent during corona. If you enjoyed it then feel free to let your friends know. They can sign up on this page here>>>


Photos –  Some more 2023 photos like last week, this time pictures are from Dubai, Valenica, Wales and the Kent South coast.


Need Support Getting In Shape?

Changing your body on your own without support or an effective system usually ends in failure sadly. To avoid this outcome you can become one of my coaching clients either online or in person. I provide Holistic, Healthy & Sustainable Body Transformations. Contact me to discuss your goals further or see below for more details and the options available to you based on your location / preferences:

Worldwide (Online) –

For transformations, coaching and support wherever you are in the world read more here>>>>

London (Battersea) – If looking for Personal Training Battersea please contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or Personal Training Battersea Park. To see my locations please visit my Battersea Personal Trainer page>> 

London (Oval / Kennington) – For Personal Training in Oval & Kennington please  contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or parks.


Read My Book – The Grand Unified Theory of Weight Loss – My latest book is available in print, kindle/ebook and audio formats. You can read more about it and see where it is available here>>> 

Follow Me – You can get more great advice, tips, hacks and more by following me on one of my social media channels. Follow Me>>>

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