I have updated my member’s area by adding another 10 workouts to it. There are just under 40 in total now. It is based on the training I used during lockdown while the gyms were closed. It worked well as I gained enough muscle to win a trophy in my last bodybuilding show. While you probably do not have those goals, it shows what can be achieved without a gym. All the workouts can be done at home with just an exercise band and your body weight.

The workout today is focused on thinning your stomach so it stays more toned and compressed afterwards. 

The workout today is focused on thinning your stomach so it stays more toned and compressed afterwards. There are three elements to this process –

Wake up your Lower stomach –  The very lowest part of your stomach is probably sleeping, from your belly button down to your pelvic bone, even if you do core exercises or Pilates. This is because it is sensitive to being switched off if you eat too much food, need the toilet, consume foods that bloat you, drink too much liquid and more. You can wake the muscles back up!

Move the intestines higher & under the rib cage – The intestines of your digestive system are what lies underneath your middle and lower abdominal region (your actual stomach is just under the rib cage). There is a tendency for the intestines to drift lower and cause a bloating appearance. There is an exercise that can undo this process within minutes in the video.

Stretch the muscles for better posture – The final part is using flexibility to change how you look. To appear lean in the mid-section you would want your rib cage to be higher and your stomach muscles to be closer to the spine and sit under the rib cage. For this to happen you will usually need to add flexibility to the area. There are a few specific stretches to do this.

Through putting these together you can change the feel, shape and look of your abdominal region within minutes.

What Does This Mean For You?

When it comes to your waist area it is difficult because how it looks is related to not just your body fat but also to bloating, muscle tone and flexibility. Body fat is slow to change in either direction however, your bloat and tone can change rapidly.

If you feel you have ‘gained’ weight or fat within days then it will not be due to body fat but one of these other factors. If the cause is not current bloating you can make a great change to your tonality and compression in the stomach region using the workout here>>.

If you continue to do these sort of exercise you can maintain a significantly tighter core long term. This is what fitness models and bikini competitors have been focusing on for years. Give the workout a try, it only takes 15 minutes.


Need Support Getting In Shape?

Changing your body on your own without support or an effective system usually ends in failure sadly. To avoid this outcome you can become one of my coaching clients either online or in person. I provide Holistic, Healthy & Sustainable Body Transformations. Contact me to discuss your goals further or see below for more details and the options available to you based on your location / preferences:

Worldwide (Online) –

For transformations, coaching and support wherever you are in the world read more here>>>>

London (Battersea) – If looking for Personal Training Battersea please contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or Personal Training Battersea Park. To see my locations please visit my Battersea Personal Trainer page>> 

London (Oval / Kennington) – For Personal Training in Oval & Kennington please  contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or parks.


Read My Book – The Grand Unified Theory of Weight Loss – My latest book is available in print, kindle/ebook and audio formats. You can read more about it and see where it is available here>>> 

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